Pilates y yoga
Sentido del equilibrio
El yoga y el pilates comparten el objetivo común de fomentar una fuerte conexión mente-cuerpo, que se logra mediante movimientos controlados, respiración profunda y atención concentrada. Al hacerlo, los practicantes pueden mejorar su flexibilidad, fuerza, sentido del equilibrio y conciencia física general, reducir el estrés y aumentar la claridad mental. Mientras que el yoga tiende a centrarse más en los aspectos espirituales y meditativos, el pilates enfatiza la fuerza central y el control físico; las dos prácticas comparten una base común en la importancia del movimiento consciente y el control de la respiración. Visite nuestro estudio de Pilates y Yoga en Naxxar, Malta.

Pilates in Naxxar Group Classes
Wednesday and Friday morning
Pilates class for Intermediates
(Intense class for weight loss)
8:45 am till 9:45 am
Tuesday and Thursday evening
Pilates class for Beginners - Intermediates
6:00 pm till 7 pm
Group class €14
Card of 8 group classes €96
Private session €40
Duo session €20 per person
Card of 8 Private classes €280
Card of 8 Duo classes €140 per person
*Cards are Valid for 2 months from the date of issue*
* Only by appointment. Book your spot now!
* For more info about private classes please contact us.
Yoga Naxxar Group Practice
Monday and Wednesday
Yoga Hatha/Vinyasa
6 pm till 7:15 pm
Hatha and Vinyasa yoga offer numerous benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, and balance through their physical postures. They promote mindfulness and relaxation, aiding in stress reduction and mental clarity. Hatha’s slower pace helps cultivate awareness of breath and alignment, while Vinyasa’s dynamic flow enhances cardiovascular health and stamina. Both styles can facilitate better body awareness, supporting injury prevention and rehabilitation. Additionally, regular practice can foster emotional regulation and overall well-being, contributing to a healthier lifestyle.
Tuesday and Thursday
Yin Yoga
8:45 am till 9:45 am
Yin yoga offers several benefits, including enhanced flexibility as it targets deep connective tissues, improved circulation in the joints, and increased relaxation through mindfulness and meditation practices. It helps to alleviate stress and anxiety by promoting a calm, introspective state, while also enhancing the body's energy flow (Qi) by stimulating the meridian system. Additionally, yin yoga can aid in injury recovery by improving joint mobility and stability, making it a valuable complement to more dynamic forms of exercise.
Pilates es un método holístico que no solo fortalece el cuerpo, sino que también calma la mente, promoviendo una sensación de equilibrio y armonía. Al centrarse en movimientos controlados y respiración profunda, los practicantes de Pilates pueden mejorar su flexibilidad física, postura y estado físico, al mismo tiempo que reducen el estrés y la ansiedad y cultivan una mayor conciencia corporal y de sí mismos.
Pilates is a comprehensive workout that offers numerous benefits for the body and figure:
*Strengthens the muscular corset
*Improves respiratory function
*Increases flexibility
*Can help with weight loss, as it burns approximately 200-330 calories per 60-minute session, depending on initial weight. Regular practice can also:
*Improve metabolism
*Insulin sensitivity
*Reduce cortisol levels, leading to a more toned and slender silhouette.
*Pilates can aid in weight loss, but it is not a rapid process. The exercises are performed at a measured pace and do not cause shortness of breath, or muscle pain, but rather burn a significant amount of energy, equivalent to 30 minutes of intense running. You can achieve more results with regular practice three times a week and changing your diet and lifestyle.
BASI Pilates (Body Arts and Science International) is a comprehensive Pilates method emphasizing proper alignment, breathing, and movement flow. Developed by Rael Isacowitz, BASI Pilates classes focus on building strength, flexibility, and body awareness through a series of exercises that target the core muscles, as well as the entire body. BASI Pilates classes often incorporate traditional Pilates equipment as well as matwork and other props to provide a challenging and well-rounded workout. Book your spot in advance for our Yoga and Pilates classes in Naxxar, Malta