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En effet, les soins des ongles, l’épilation à la cire et les services de beauté professionnels sont des choix courants pour les personnes qui cherchent à améliorer leur apparence physique et leur confiance en elles. Ces traitements offrent non seulement des avantages esthétiques, mais aussi une relaxation thérapeutique, permettant aux personnes de se sentir rajeunies et en confiance dans leur peau. Qu’il s’agisse d’une manucure fraîche ou d’une pédicure, d’une épilation à la cire ou au fil, investir dans ces soins de beauté peut favoriser les soins personnels et l’amour de soi. En donnant la priorité à notre apparence physique, le spa des sept sens prend en fait soin de notre bien-être et de notre santé émotionnelle. En consacrant du temps à ces expériences de bien-être, nous investissons dans notre bien-être mental et émotionnel, en favorisant une connexion plus profonde avec nous-mêmes et en favorisant un sentiment positif d’acceptation de soi.


Express Pedicure

A mini pedicure service includes basic nail care such as cuticle work, filing, cutting, shaping, and application of regular polish. This quick and affordable option is perfect for those looking for a simple yet effective treatment to refresh their toenails.

                                                                    45 minutes € 30




Spa Pedicure

Combining exfoliation, massage, mask, and nail care to leave you feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. As your hardworking feet are gently scrubbed and massaged, The calming effects of essential oils will harmonize your senses, promoting circulation and lymphatic flow to leave your feet feeling calm, serene, and ready to take on the day grounded.       70 mins € 39




Medi Pedicure

It is a beneficial treatment option for individuals looking to improve the health and appearance of their feet without invasive techniques. The removal of corns, calluses, and dead skin cells can provide relief and promote foot health. With the expertise of a skilled specialist, this procedure can be performed safely and effectively, offering a gentle and rejuvenating experience for clients.      75 mins € 39





A manicure typically involves the nail technician focusing on the nails, including cuticle care, filing, shaping, and applying regular polish. This process helps to maintain the appearance and health of the nails. A professional finish and high-end look can be achieved for the hands by regularly taking care of the nails and cuticles, using quality skincare products, and maintaining a consistent grooming routine.            45 mins € 25




Spa Manicure  

It's not just a pampering treatment, but a holistic approach to self-care that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of one's well-being. The combination of organic skincare, gentle exfoliation, and the calming effects of the massage is incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating for the hands and mind.                                                60 minutes € 32




Add on

Gel polish application € 10

Cutting and shaping Only € 10

Painting nail polish Only € 12


*Please note we cannot remove acrylic, gel, or shellac nails. Please ensure you have removed these before attending your manicure & pedicure.


Sourcils 7€

Lèvre supérieure 6€

Menton 7€

Joues 15€

Intégral 27€


Jambe complète 25€

Demi-jambe 18€

Bras complets 17€

Demi-bras 12€

Poitrine\Dos 25€

Ligne de bikini 8€

Lèvre supérieure 4 €

Aisselles 7€

Sourcils 5€

Forme des sourcils 8€

Teinture au henné bio

Teinture de cils 14€

Teinture des sourcils 12€

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